Saturday, September 06, 2014

True Crime: Vietnamese Drug Murder in Philadelphia

The New York Daily News says it all: "Two brothers were loaned $100,000 to buy drugs, but spent it all at a Chester, Penn. casino before being abducted by a Philadelphia drug lords."

The two victims were allegedly taken to a home in Southwest Philadelphia, where they were beaten and tortured. From there they contacted a friend who would bring them enough cash to save their lives: $40,000. This third man, Thanh Voong, was beaten and robbed when he arrived with the money. The three were driven to Fairmount Park along Kelly Drive where the two thieves had their throats slit and bodies dumped in the Schuykill, weighed down with buckets of cement attached to their feet.Voong, who was also thrown in the river, was stabbed but not weighed down. Voong played dead and managed to crawl out of the river and walk down Kelly Drive, where he was spotted by a police officer.

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